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To know how to safely carryout manual handling tasks putting safety first for you and others
Learning Outcomes- Know what manual handling is
- Know the relevant legislation around manual handling
- Be aware of both employees and employers’ responsibilities
- Know of the basic anatomy and function of the spine
- Be familiar with common back problems
- Understand ergonomics and fitting the task to the person
- Know the correct manual handling techniques for lifting, pulling and pushing
- Know how to ask somebody to perform a lift

Manual Handling
For people who need to know how to safely carryout manual handling tasks, putting safety first for you and others

Gain an understanding of 14 mandatory care related subjects. These subjects will be available for you to run for six months as many times as you like.
Learning Outcomes- By the end of these courses you will understand:
- Basic Life Support Theory
- Communication in care
- Coronavirus
- Duty of Care
- Fire Safety
- Food Safety
- GDPR and Data Protection
- Infection Control
- Manual Handling Theory
- MCA & DoLS
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Person Centered Care
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safer People Handling Theory

Mandatory Course Bundle for Care Staff
Gain an understanding of 14 mandatory care related subjects. These subjects will be available for you to run for six months as many times as you like.

Gain an understanding of all mandatory and other care related courses. These subjects will be available for you to run for six months as many times as you like.
Learning Outcomes- By the end of these courses you will understand these subjects from the Mandatory Course Bundle:
- Basic Life Support Theory
- Communication in care
- Coronavirus
- Duty of Care
- Fire Safety
- Food Safety
- GDPR and Data Protection
- Infection Control
- Manual Handling Theory
- MCA & DoLS
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Person Centred Care
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safer People Handling Theory
- Plus all our additional care related courses, for instance:
- Adult Support & Protection
- Adults with Incapacity
- Anaphylaxis
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Diabetes Advanced Care
- Diabetes Awareness
- Duty of Candour
- Equality & Diversity
- Health & Safety
- IDDSI and Dysphagia
- Medication Awareness
- Oral Health
- PPE in Care Homes
- PPE in Home Care
- PPE in Hospitals
- Privacy & Dignity
- Safeguarding Children
- Stress at Work
- And many more as and when they are made available….

Unlimited Course Bundle for Care Staff
Gain an understanding of all mandatory and other care related courses. These subjects will be available for you to run for six months as many times as you like.