E-Learning Courses

SafeguarDing Adults at Risk
To be able to care for adults at risk, keeping them safe from harm and abuse.
Learning Outcomes- Understand who safeguarding is aimed at
- Know who an adult at risk is
- Know whose responsibility it is to safeguard
- Understand risk factors for abuse
- Understand the relevant legislation
- Be aware of all the different types of abuse
- Recognise signs of abuse
- Recognise a potential abuser
- Understand disclosure and whistleblowing procedures
(inc VAT)

Equality & Diversity
To recognise and appreciate the differences of the people we care for and provide care that is fair and gives equal opportunity to everyone.
Learning Outcomes- Know the responsibilities of employees and employers
- Know what beliefs, values, and attitudes are.
- Understand what is meant by Equality, Diversity. Inclusion. Discrimination.
- Know the legislation in place covering Equality & Diversity.
- Know each of the Protected characteristics.
- Understand the different forms of discrimination, and how they can occur.
(inc VAT)

To understand your obligations to Duty of Care.
- Know what your duty of care is and with who
- Understand the definitions used in Duty of Care
- Know which legislations relate to Duty of Care and why
- Be aware of your responsibilities and your employers
- Understand the importance of an individual’s right to live independently whist keeping them safe from harm
- Know how to deal with comments and complaints
- Understand that mistakes happen and follow procedure to prevent further mistakes
- Recognise why conflict happens and how to deal with the individual and situation
£12.00 (inc VAT)

To provide dignified care whilst maintaining privacy and promoting choice and independence.
- Understand what Privacy & Dignity mean in a healthcare setting
- Be aware of the importance of person-centred dignity
- Recognise the importance of maintaining dignity for someone living with dementia
- Understand the importance of a resident’s personal space
- Know how to gain trust and confidence by maintaining confidentiality
- Know your responsibilities re safeguarding, and when it is okay to break confidence
- Understand the factors that shape personal choices
- Know how to manage someone's choices under MCA
- Know how to help residents maintain independence and make informed choices
- Know how to risk assess a persons choices
- Understand the importance of residents being active participants in their care
- Know the key principles of self-care
£12.00 (inc VAT)

To understand responsibilities and protocol regarding Health and Safety.
- Understand what Health and Safety means.
- Know your responsibilities and those of your employer.
- Understand the relevant Health and Safety legislations.
- Be aware of tasks that will require special training.
- Be aware of common accidents and sudden illnesses.
- Know what to do in an emergency.
- Understand how to create a Risk Assessment.
- Understand methods of working safely with hazardous materials
- Know methods and procedures to prevent fires.
- Recognise the symptoms, causes and treatment for work related stress.
£12.00 (inc VAT)

To be able to contain and control infections effectively in Care Home Settings.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Understand the different kinds of pathogen
- Be aware of how pathogens spread through the chain of infection
- Know how outbreaks are problematic in a care home environment.
- Recognise the symptoms, controls and treatment regarding the common infections within care homes.
- Be aware of the legislations in place regarding controlling infections.
- Know the roles and responsibilities of employers and care staff
- Understand the protocols in place with an outbreak occurs
- Recognise the procedures that must be undertaken when admitting a new resident.
- Know how to undertake a deep clean
- Recognise good hand hygiene habits
- Know the steps to take to effectively wash hands
- Understand the importance and use of PPE
- Be aware of the best practice regarding Barrier Nursing
- Know how to handle contaminated and dangerous materials
- Explore the possible outcomes of poorly controlled infections.
£12.00 (inc VAT)

Food Safety Level 2
To safely provide support in the kitchen during food preparation and food serving.
- Recognise the symptoms of food-borne illnesses setting
- Be aware of who is at risk
- Recognise the importance of maintaining dignity for someone living with dementia
- Understand the importance of a resident’s personal space
- Understand which foods are high-risk
- Know the wider impact of food-borne illnesses
- Be aware of the legislation underpinning food safety
- Recognise hazards that can make food unsafe
- Know what anaphylaxis is
- Recognise common allergens
- Be aware of ways to keep food safe from allergen cross contamination
- Be aware of the different types of food pests
- Know how to prevent pests
- Recognise the signs of pests
- Know how to prevent pests
- Know how to keep food clean and uncontaminated
- Understand how to wash hands effectively
- Know the 'Danger Zone'
- Understand how to store foods safely
- Be aware of the roles and responsibilities
£12.00 (inc VAT)

To apply the Mental Capacity Act Principles into the care you provide to those with a mental health condition or living with dementia.
- Be up to date with current statistics surrounding mental capacity
- Know what the MCA is, why it’s important and who it affects
- Know how to identify someone with a lack of capacity
- Be aware of the key legislations surrounding mental capacity
- Know the boundaries involved when caring for someone with a lack of capacity
- Recognise how to help individuals make informed choices
- How to risk assess a person’s choices
- Know the 5 core principles of MCA
- Know how and when to assess capacity
- Be aware of the two-stage functional test for capacity
- Be familiar with the standard authorisation process
- Understand how to restrict and restrain in a person’s best interest
- Know how to write Care Plans for individuals that lack capacity
£12.00 (inc VAT)

To understand the changes GDPR brings, and how to be compliant with the regulations.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Understand what GDPR is
- Recognise its importance
- Know who and what is protected
- Recognise the difference between personal and sensitive data
- Gain an understanding of the key principles enshrined within the regulations
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of a Data Controller
- Be aware of the roles and responsibilities of a Data Processor
- Recognise ways that a care home can be compliant
£12.00 (inc VAT)

Fire Safety Awerness
To understand responsibilities and protocol regarding Fire Safety.
- Understand what is meant by Fire Safety
- Recognise the common causes of fire
- Be aware of the legislation surrounding Fire Safety
- Understand methods of preventing fires
- Recognise the importance of PAT testing
- Know how to keep electrical items safe to use
- Identify fire risks and hazards
- Know how to undertake a Fire Risk Assessments
- Understand how to create and implement a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
- Recognise the importance of reporting fire risks
- Understand how fire safety equipment operates
- Know how to respond to a fire
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of Fire Marshals
- Know how to implement Full and Zonal Evacuations
- Recognise the importance of Fire Drills
- Recognise the consequences of poor fire safety
- Know your responsibilities and those of your employer
£12.00 (inc VAT)