Face to Face Learning
For all Face to Face training, we use our sister company - Orchard Rock Training who provide high quality training nationwide.
To see extensive information on the training provide, please click the link below which navigates directly to their website
Face to Face Course List
First Aid
- 3 Day First Aid at Work (FAW) - Accredited
- Basic Life Support
- Basic Life Support and Defibrillation
- Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) - Accredited
- First Aid Awareness
- First Aid In Child Care/Paediatric
- Immediate Life Support
Nursing (inc. Complex Specialist Care)
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Anaphylaxis
- Autonomic Dysreflexia
- Basic Observations
- Bowel Care
- Bowel Care & Manual Evacuation
- Brain Injury
- Cannulation and Venepuncture
- Catheterisation (male & female)
- Cerebral Palsy
- Continence & Catheter Care
- Dysphagia & IDDSI
- Glasgow Coma Scale
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Nurse Practice Supervisor Programme
- Pain Management
- PEG Care and Feeding
- Phlebotomy
- Pressure Ulcer Care (Tissue Viability)
- Spinal Injury
- Stoma Care
- Syringe Driver
- Suctioning
- Topical Creams
- Tracheostomy
- Ventilation (inc. CPAP, BIPAP, Nippy)
- Verification of Death
- Wound Care
- 2 Day MAPPA
- 3 Day MVA for Mental Health
- 3 Day PMVA GSA for Mental Health
- Escalation/De-Escalation and Assault Cycle
- Managing Challenging Behaviour
- Managing Violence & Aggression/Control & Restraint (MVA)
- Safe Holds
Staffing and Management/Compliance
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment
- Approach and Attitude
- Audit Management
- Care Planning & Risk Assessment (Key Working)
- Communication, Documentation and Reporting
- Customer Care
- Information Governance
- Leadership and Management
- Lone Worker
- Management Motivation and Communication
- Observations
- Person Centred Care
- Personal Searches
- Staff Resilience and Self Awareness
- Supervision and Appraisal
- Team Leader Workshop
Mental Health
- Hearing Voices
- Mental Capacity Act & DOLS
- Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act & DoLS
- Mental Health and Work
- Mental Health Awareness
- Mental Health First Aid
- Mental Health for Managers
- Nutrition in Mental Health
- Personality Disorders
- Psychiatric Care
- Schizophrenia
- Stress at Work
- Tourettes
- Adult Support and Protection
- Adults with Incapacity
- Duty of Candour
- Duty of Care
- Equality & Diversity
- Fire Safety
- Food Safety
- Food Safety (CIEH) – Accredited (Level 2, 3 and 4)
- GDPR and Data Protection
- Health & Safety (inc. COSHH) (Level 2, 3 and 4)
- Health & Safety (NEBOSH/IOSH) - Accredited
- Infection Control
- Infection Control (Advanced)
- Manual Handling
- Privacy & Dignity
- Risk Assessment
- Safer People Handling
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Adults (Advanced)
- 10 Day CHAPS course for Senior Carers
- Active Care
- Activity & Inclusion
- Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment
- Asbestos Awareness
- Autism and ADHD Awareness
- Blood borne Viruses
- Care for the Dying (Palliative Care)
- Chronic Conditions
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Awareness
- Coronavirus
- Diabetes
- Drug & Alcohol Misuse
- Eating Disorders
- End of Life Care
- Epilepsy & Buccal
- Falls Management
- Fire Marshal
- Foot Care
- Institutionalisation
- Learning Disabilities
- Legionella Awareness
- LGBT+ Awareness
- Loss and Bereavement
- Makaton
- Medication
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Narcolepsy
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Oral Health
- Self Harm & Ligatures
- Sexual Health and HIV
- Sign Language
- Visual Impairment
- Whistleblowing
Specialist Children
- Autism/Asperger's and ADHD Awareness
- Child on Child Abuse
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Childhood Loss & Bereavement
- Drug & Alcohol Misuse Awareness
- Eating Disorders
- Men who Foster
- Mental Health in Children and Young Adults
- Safeguarding of Children
- Self Harm & Suicide
- Sign Language
- Dementia Awareness
- Dementia Advanced
- Huntington's
- Korsakoff's
- Parkinson's
- Stroke
If you would like to discuss your training requirements or for more information, please do not hesitate to contact us call our office on 01706 375578